The Iranian Rial is the official currency of Iran. Sometimes referred to as Toman, there is a significant difference in value between the two: 100,000 Iranian Rials (IRR) is equivalent to 100 Tomans, reflecting a difference of three zeros. Additionally, Iranian Central Bank issues cheque denominations such as the 2 million Iranian Rial, 1 million IRR, and 500,000 IRR bills, introduced to counter the declining purchasing power of the highest bill (100,000 Iranian Rial).
All orders of Iranian Rial come with free shipping and guaranteed worldwide delivery. We exclusively sell uncirculated Iranian Rial denominations, including 50,000 IRR, 100,000 IRR, 500,000 IRR, 1 million IRR, and 2 million IRR. You can buy quantities starting from 10 million Iranian Rial up to 2 billion IRR per order.
For collectors and investors, purchasing uncirculated Iranian Rial offers a unique opportunity to diversify your portfolio with a currency that has historical and geopolitical significance. Our competitive pricing ensures you get the best value, while our commitment to secure and reliable transactions guarantees peace of mind. Explore our collection and enhance your investment strategy with the potential benefits of buying Iranian Rial.
IQDBUY offers you the chance to order Iranian Rial with the cheapest prices cheapest rates to US Dollar. We sell all IRR denominations with free express shipping. Buy Iranian Rial Cheaply.
Iran has been under sanctions since year 2004. The currency of Iran has devalued reflecting the state of being under sanctions. There is good possibility that if sanctions against Iran have been lifted that Iranian Rial currency will revalue and increase in rate against USD. This is not financial advice.
It is not illegal to have Iranian Rials but buying or trading them in the US through regulated channels is a legal gray area mainly because of restrictions on dealing with Iranian banks or financial institutions. So individuals who want to buy Iranian Rial must be cautious and consult with legal or financial experts to ensure compliance with US laws.
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IQDBUY is an Online Iraqi Dinar Currency Exchange Store. We have been in business since 2003. Here you can buy Iraqi Dinar & other Middles Eastern currencies ( Including LBP, Syrian Pound and IRR ).